Finding The Best Seat
The best seat to get some Zzzz’s and have a little extra
room is the window seat of an exit row. If this is not available I personally
like the middle row outside seat when I am able to pre-pick my seat. I choose a
seat that has only one seat in between another traveler and myself. Most travelers travel in pairs and families
and let’s face it who really wants to sit away from their travel partners. This thinking gives you the best advantage to
having an empty seat next to you.
If you are in a middle seat.
Travel pillows are great
options when dozing off
Wear Comfortable Clothing.
This does not mean you have to
wear sweat pants nor should you. I personally love these yoga harem pants. They are
super comfortable and stylish.
Or bring a small pair of pajama bottoms to change into for
the flight.
Bring Snacks And Water.
Often travels are worried about
missing in-flight meals and drinks. If you bring your own you can relax and eat
and drink when you want to not when food is being served.