Love This Life

Thursday, March 24, 2011

New York Starts New Clothing Sales Tax - What do you think?

In New York, there is no state sales tax for clothing under $110 – currently only some counties do tax clothing – but that’s all going to change come Oct. 1 when the state tax on all clothing is reinstated.

The tax will last only six months and beginning on April 1, 2011, the tax will be rescinded on clothing that retails for less than $55.

The current plan is to raise the exemption level to $110 again in April of 2012

What are your thoughts on the issue?


ReThreads Custom Clothing Company said...

How did this get passed? I used to live in NY, bought a lot of clothes there... would have lost my mind trying to keep this stuff straight if they'd done this then! Boo! Hiss!

Unknown said...

I know it seems like it will be a bit of a hassle for the smaller time retailers. I felt very bad for my friend that owns a store that could not even understand the new tax law.