Love This Life

Saturday, December 17, 2011

What is the one thing you cannot imagine living without?

This past summer here on Long Island there was major threats of a massive, large and powerful Atlantic hurricane that would leave extensive flooding and wind damage along its path. Hurricane Irene in the end caused widespread destruction and at least 56 deaths; monetary losses in the Caribbean were estimated to be as high as US$3.1 billion. Early damage estimates throughout the United States range from US$10 to US$15 billion.

The whole week before we heard reports that Irene was coming our way. It was so hard to decide what was the best plan of action. Stay put? Board everything Up? Leave town? But to where?
How bad is it going to be? Is Irene going to be something I can later say I lived through?

Is going to be another Katrina event here in the Hamptons? This sparks the question what would you bring with you if you had to pick up and leave? Packing my emergency bag I had the important documents, canned food, toothbrush, flashlight, money and of course my passport! Wouldn't leave home with out it! The funny thing I had to laugh at my self for was my sewing machine! I would be so devastated if I lost it. I have, tvs, dvd players, and art work that costs so much more money, but to lose my sewing machine would be so detrimental to the core. So this is what bring about my question.

What can you not live without?

Friday, December 16, 2011



What is the Best advice you can give to other sellers?

We all know there is a learning cure to making your store the best it can be my best advice is

1. Saves you time on editing
2. You sell more with great photos too!

Saving Time and Making More Money! What is better than that

Here is my Ebay Power Seller Site